Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
August 28th, 1921 E.V.
TO MEGA THERION Coll. as Spiritum Sanctum. Cefalu. Sicily.
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
There are several points in your recent letters that need to be taken up although time did not permit me to do so when I last wrote.
I think much of the general matter of "One Star in Sight" very excellent and helpful, but I also think that several points therein have been written with the idea of fortifying your point of view regardless of facts as previously understood by members of the Order up to the time of your writing the same.
I wonder if propriety permits me to ask you whether the secret documents you mention in Par 4 is dated prior to or since June 21 1916?
The statement: "There is however, an absolute prohibition to take money, or other material reward, directly or indirectly, for any service connected with the Order. The penalty is immediate expulsion, with no possibility of reinstatement on any terms whatever." would mean self-expulsion on your part as well as expulsion of those who have helped you to sell books etc. Let me point out that in a recent letter you suggested that I offer people on your behalf instruction and board at the Coll. ad Spirit S. Sicily at $25.00 per week when you also inform me that $30. per week is enough to support the whole institution. This can only be looked upon as an indirect profit from occult instruction.
Those entering the Order, as I know it, before it appeared so definitely as your Order, were pledged [illegible] their obligations to those above became less as they advanced and became more closely united with that Interior Light. Obviously no mention was made of the fact that they must accept the Book of the Law etc, before they even had a chance to examine it. The Book of the Law itself seems to imply that people shall take it or leave it at will "Then they shall abide in this bliss or no; it is no odds". I was not aware that the Book of the Law stating that the Will of the Beast and the Scarlet Woman concentrated the Will of Our Whole Order. It says "and in his woman called the Scarlet Woman is all power given" but makes a distinction between Will and Power in II V 30, 31. Also the S.[carlet] W.[oman] is apparently a moveable office, or else, which one? Also let me refer you to your letter of July 28th 1921 E.V. "There is no such thing as Truth" in which case do you expect me, or another, to ask people to accept the Book of the Law as the Word and the Letter of Truth, upon which your authority rests, when you yourself in the same breath inform me that there is no such thing? Or do you desire me to add that "the mind is the great enemy and by invoking enthusiastically a person (or idea) whom we know not to exist, we are rebuking that mind)?
But really, if you wish to spring any fresh obligations on the existing Probationers etc. which they knew nothing of at the time of taking those obligations you should take the matter up very seriously with them—but I really feel that such passages would be best left out, being liable to cause confusion.
Excuse me from jumping from one quotation to another but here are two interesting ones:
"Any one who expects "peace" during the formula of Horus is not a Wandering Fool but an ordinary damn fool" The Beast. July 18, 1921.
"For I am Peace" Horus. Per Aleister Crowley. Vision and Voice [The Vision and the Voice].
Sometime I think you take after my mother.
Love is the law, love under will.
As ever,