Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Wilfred Talbot Smith






[Undated: circa late September 1921]



     The O.H.O. [Outer Head of the Order] [Theodor Reuss] wrote me as His representative here, and said he did not accept "Do what thou wilt etc" personally or for O.T.O. and that I should keep AA things separate entirely. He said that A.C. had been informed of this too, and we might expect to hear from him. Now we, in Canada, are under Baphomet, so I do not know that there is any need to take any notice till we hear what A.C. has to say—if he troubles to say anything—Personally I wrote back to the F.[rater] S.[uperior] and said I could conceive of no better reply than: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law, so I do not know just what will happen to me as far as America is concerned.


