Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
50 rue Vavin Paris VIe
[21 March 1922]
Care Frater
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Demanding an oracle concerning you, I received: "Before! Hold! Raise the shell of Ra Hoor Khuit!"
How right you were about the Rites of Eleusis, Leila Waddell, and such piffle! But I was not ready. I had to undergo 31 days of 73 days each to become a Magus and the ordeals of Cefalů to knock the "occult" nonsense out of me. But mine hour is come. The abandonment of Egypt and India, the scrabbling of the Navy—and the Russo-German entente on top of it. It is time for us who love England, and have chosen her as our island, to cease worrying McCabbage and lo, and to get busy on Chapter III of Liber Legis. (Stansfeld Jones [Charles Stansfeld Jones], by the way, has done his job in revealing the "key of it all" as "one" (Frater Achad) was to do.
Now, it says "I will give you a war-engine"; and Reuss [Theodor Reuss] on the one hand and [illegible] on the other, have put it in my hands. I wish to put it in yours: for you have been picked out long since as C-i-C [Commander in Chief] of the armies of Ra Hoor Khuit.
I am coming to London as soon as I have settled one or two matters of business in Paris—probably one day next week.
I should like to have a letter from you to tell me in general terms where you have got in all these years, so as to furnish a basis for a preliminary conference.
You will find me a totally changed man. I realize acutely what a puppy I was in those days, and how stupid-clever I was to exploit my hefty technical advantages for idiotic personal vanities. I have learnt my place; I will not pretend that the course of instruction has been painless.
But the job is done; and the Lord of the Aeon made no mistake when He chose me to receive the Law.
(It is not a weakness, by the way, that I should retain a deep personal affection for you as the one friend in my life who really fulfilled the conditions. Write to me then, and let me know where you are and whither bound on our joint Quest. Also, how I had best manage to see you in London.)
Love is the law, love under will.
Yours ever fraternally
The Beast 666
Private and Personal Col J.F.C. Fuller The War Office London