Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




[Undated: circa 24 March 1922]



Beloved Estai [Jane Wolfe]




No Himalayan Book or Az Gon Were. Probably held up by Postal Authorities as (a) indecent (b) clues in The Taylor job.


Don't understand about Genesthai [C. F. Russell]. I am still a very sick man; at least a month, they say, before I am well.


Thank Ninette [Ninette Shumway] for her excellent letter to me—I can't work, worse luck, except by short spasms. I'm always thinking of my Five Beasts in the Abbey [Abbey of Thelema] and wishing I could get back: but it's absolutely silly not to finish off the job we came to do. That was the trouble last year, thanks to my too easy faith in fool Sullivan. However— — —. He seems to have fallen on his feet, (or rather, hands) in London. I think he will achieve all that is needed.


Search between a Liber VII and CLXXXV (portfolio of Grades) for his p.b. Neophyte.


Too tired to write more now.


93     93/93.





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