Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones








[30 March 1922 (based on travel to Boulogne comment)]



My beloved son


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Just a line to tell you informally that the Word [of the Equinox] is Heru-Ra-Ha and the Message III 70. 71 (Note the connection).


Mr. Clarke has just sent me another copy of the Detroit idiocy: without comment. I feel sure* that the time has come for "Upon Them!" I go to Boulogne to-morrow for a conference with Alostrael [Leah Hirsig], who will communicate the Word etc officially.


I really see no reason (Enough of Gecause) why you should not meet a powerful and influential man who is already anxious to get in touch with us. I refer to Burton Roscoe c/o Chicago Tribune (I suppose: he was in 1919).


Apart from any sympathy or help he can give to our movement, he is an educated man, and knows the rudiments of literature. But the Tarot tells me that you are not suffering from overstrain of intercourse with intelligent people.


Love is the Law, love under will.


Thy sire, very affectionately,


The Beast 666.


* But never mind what I feel. Shit to I!


