Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe




31 Wellington Square

Chelsea S.W.3.



May 12 '22 EV



Dearest 516 [Jane Wolfe],




I hope those things are on their way. I am in for a big fight, it would appear; want nothing better.


Please do your best to finish off the half-baked scenarios and send them to me, one by one as they get done. Remember—I am getting anxious about you folks and want to be able to send you money as soon as possible. Also to get back for a bit! Now I have very good openings here for scenarios: so put some work in. I have only 11 here all told.


Love to all of you: I'm furiously busy. Much better in health; but only £5 between me and the gas-jet.


I am cheerful, knowing you are all thinking of me, and working for the Law.


93     93/93




The Beast 666.


Alostrael [Leah Hirsig]—G.[reat] M.[agical] R.[etirement]. I hardly hear of her now!




