Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to J.F.C. Fuller
31, Wellington Square (observe!) S.W.3.
[13 May 1922]
Care Frater Non Sine Fulmine
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
True: NOTHING is doing!
That is why I am here.
Townshend did not find me by chance it was he that summoned me to "a great man wasted".
The time had come. I sent you the Chancellor's seal: you accepted it.
If you have any personal quarrel with me—I know certain persons made mischief on both sides—tell me face to face: we are men. Besides, you and I don't count; but the World demands that her most important minds should co-operate at this crises. (I have no special plan in view: but I feel as if O.I.V.V.I.O.—Charles Stansfeld Jones—8º=3o were a Thought and yourself a Deed, even as I am a Word.)
You cannot avoid your destiny any more than I could mine. You must ride the wave, or be swept away by it.
Love is the law, love under will.
Fraternally as ever
Personal Col J.F.C. Fuller The War Office Whitehall. S.W.