Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
31 Wellington Square S.W. 3.
[circa July 1922]
My beloved Son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I want to supplement my rather harsh letter of this morning by a rather humane one.
Please never forget the depth of my personal affection for you, and my constant anxiety for your welfare. Don't think of allowing any apparent divergences of opinion to make any sort of breach between us.
I doubt whether you make allowance for the fact that I am a good deal older than you are. I have been through all the stages; and I am (perhaps foolishly) trying to give you the benefit of my experience. Of course every one has to go through the mill for himself; but attacks of Qabalitis and the like can sometimes be cut short by a timely word. I wish you could have a year in England. You would get back your sense of actuality; you have been overlong among the barbarians. But just imagine your making (say) the Lord Mayor of London think I was fallen by publishing a better system of Qabalah than mine! And the L. M. of L. is the man I'm after. I am utterly sick of the little crowd of crabs who drift from one 'master' to another, never learn anything, and make mischief. Now I've got the Blau [Joel Blau] Letter (transformed into an article) in a first-rate serious [English] Review[1] before I've been two months in London. I.e. the Law reaches 15,000 to 20,000 at least of the educated and intelligent classes, as a key to the practical solution of a problem of vital interest. I hope to follow this up by similar things e.g. the Irish problem, the 'reparations', etc. I would rather have one single practical application of the Law to an affair of this sort than an enthusiastic Church of adherents.
Again, I have a contract to write a novel "The Diary of a Drug Fiend" telling how the Law cures people without trouble, also how the drug craze is due to the violation of the Law. (See also my article "The Great Drug Delusion" in the June English Review) Now Lea's [Leah Hirsig] writing 5,000 words by hand in an average day. How does she do it? The best typists can't keep up 10,000 a day. How? By applying the Law to her muscles and nerves; by having killed her Ego, etc. That is the sort of thing to impress people. My own capacity for work is another advertisement for the Law. If my novel should make a bit; think how many of the Common People whom I came to help will be telling about the Law and trying to apply it to their own problems.
It may land me in prison like Crammer, Baugam, George Fox, Bertrand Russell and many another;* that will be all the better for the Law. I will show how the Law solves that problem too!
Remember that I too wandered for years in the Qabalistic Wilderness, haunted by hyaenas called disciples; it is for that very reason that I am so anxious to get you through to the Promised Land. We must use a language "underfunded of the Common People". It is not even desirable, were it possible, to train them how to soar with you to Kether of [illegible]. Teach these how to do 6 days' work in without being bored or fagged, as we can; and we shall deserve well of the Gods who sent us, and of them to whom we were sent.
93 93/93.
With all my blessing your affectionate and vigilant father,
The Beast 666
* Not forgetting 777!
1—[The English Review published Crowley's "The Jewish Problem Re-stated" in its June 1922 issue.]