Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Alexander Harvey
God knows where! God knows when!
July 8/22.
Dear Alexander Harvey,
By Cadwallader and all his goats! The brainless lustful thieves—Hughes or Howells, what do I care? William Blake says The lust of the goat is the glory of God—so vote early and vote often. I refuse to be agitated by yours of 22/6/22/ Your Eyes that see not is a superb story with a stupid title.
Don't blather but get me $25,000 and I'll have the English Review to play with myself—always with Austin Harrison to supply the real brains—
I intend to twist his testicles in the approved manner, so that I get an article on you by me in the September number.
Léa Hirsig [Leah Hirsig] (my Bitch and late of P.[ublic] S.[chool] No. 40 Bronx), excited him to the point of printing your Geneviève Vivianin August (His objection was that some relation of his wife's is just about to be appointed a Federal Judge !!! !!! !!! !!! !!!
You will get a small cheque—but—your old friend and admirer A.C. will Not have taken a rake off.
You have a Eq[uino]x. III - I [Equinox vol. III No. 1]* and the first review in it id Shelly's Elopement.
93 93/93.
* S. H. gave you me with her own hand—the Hand that—
P.S. Read your bible—About Nebuchadnezzar. Northcliffe is being held down by 4 male nurses, to whom he is force to apologize every few minutes, blubbering and begging him not to punish him. The above is a statement of plain fact and if it were graven upon the eye-corners would be a warning to such as will be warned.
Yours humbly walking with my God all the days of my life.