Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Frank Bennett
July 8th 1922, E.V.
15 Emmett Street, N Sydney, Australia
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
I was glad to get your letter of June 4th, which came to hand this morning, and to hear the news of your progress in the Great Work.
Ordeals of the nature you evidently underwent are quite likely to leave you somewhat dazed but when the clouds have cleared away, and matters are seen in perspective, the true value of the Initiation is perceived.
Don't forget that 6º = 5o is on one of the Side Pillars of the Tree, and do not overdo the "God" proclamation; for remember everyone is Essentially and Potentially a God. If you succeed in LIVING as such, you will have no need to mention the fact, for you will be recognized as such by those around you, since you will awake, by your presence, the God in them.
I am very glad you are able to look after the Members in your part of the World. The distance has been a great drawback heretofore. I am sending that record back (Soror Barton's[1]) at once and much regret that the rush of affairs here has prevented me from going through it again, as I intended, but I had waited till my summer holiday for a chance to put in more time on it, but now this new book is in the press I am not likely to get much of a holiday even though I have given up Lectures etc., for two months.
Please let me have news of the general progress of the Works as often as you can, for you know my heart is with you and that I take a real interest in the affairs of all the B[lessed] b[rethren].
I think if you wish to change the nature of the Probationer's Examination Paper, you should apply to Therion for a simpler one. The one they have is not nearly so stiff as the Students Exam was in the past.
Love is the love, love under will.
Yours fraternally,
Frater Achad.
1—Mrs. Barton was a student of Frank Bennett's.