Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Charles Stansfeld Jones
July 14 / 22.
Care Frater,
Thank you for your very nice letter of June 26. You have probably received my "not so nice" one in the meantime. I hesitated about sending it but followed the old rule "When in doubt do it". You are taking it in the spirit in which it was intended I am sure, and I hope you will mail me the list I asked for.
I have mailed you a July number of the English Review[1]—marked 666's articles though you would have found them without assistance.
Will you kindly mail a copy of Grimotriam Sanctissimus and Hymns to the Great Gods of Heaven? I have written to Cefalu for these but am afraid that they are locked up in 666's safe and as we have now located Benjamin Charles Hammond (crucifix and some missing articles too) we want him to make engravings of same.
Will you also let us have the "exact" date—hour if possible, of the crossing of the Abyss of both yourself and Brother Smith [Wilfred Talbot Smith]?
I hope to go to Edinburgh myself in a few days time. Williamson came to London for a day and there was a conference in Parker Garrett's offices but as his accounts and stories do not tally with others that we have managed to dig up, I shall call on br.[other] Cowie [George MacNie Cowie] without notice and see what I can get out of him.
We are gradually unravelling the past but our main line is to go ever forward and I hope we shall have headquarters shortly. I too wish that you could come to London so that we could all work together in a body as we are at heart.
93 93/93.
Yours fraternally,
Alostrael 31-66-31
1—[The July 1922 issue of the English Review included "The Drug Panic", "The Jewish Problem Re-stated" & "Percy Bysshe Shelley" by Aleister Crowley.]