Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Theodor Reuss
[31 August 1922]
[Charles Stansfeld Jones and Rubina Stansfeld Jones attended a 28 August 1922 Chicago lecture by H. Spencer Lewis. Afterwards there was a question and answer period where Lewis was asked if the AMORC had any relation to the O.T.O.] He [H. Spencer Lewis] said: If you mean that filthy, immoral outfit run by Crowley and Jones etc., etc. . . But I do hold Honorary High Degrees from the Head of the Order from which C.[rowley] and J.[ones] never had and never will have any authority etc. etc.
My wife [Rubina] who is well-known here, objected to this filthy attack and told Mr. Lewis in no uncertain words, saying that she was a member of the Order and proud to be such, that Mr. Lewis had no right whatever to throw dirt at a perfectly clean Order to which he himself professed to belong. When he implied that she did not know what she was talking about I felt called upon to tell Mr. Lewis just where he belonged, that I represented your interests here and that he had no right to make false statements in public against his brethren. He then subsided.