Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
October 27th 1922
Dear Fellow Star,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I have just received your letter of October 17th 1922 enclosing Fra O.S.V.'s [Aleister Crowley] Card. As explained in a previous letter the card contained errors, so I will ask you to fill in the corrected one sent you.
I think we are sticking to our guns, things are based on 93 but in rather smaller doses. The public needs to realize and understand one principle at a time, and they are slow to learn anything thoroughly.
The Coue idea answered the purpose, which was to take advantage of a popular current and then explain the differences and how his method was incomplete. We have done much in that way. As a matter of fact the literal translation of the formula seems much nearer to our way of thinking "All the days, from every point of view, I go from better into better." This implies a going, also an improved environment rather than a change in the nature of the self. Also from full points of view.
Anyway its just a stepping-stone and has served its purpose.
Your idea about the cords etc. is the right one, but our funds are limited for such ventures.
As stated before I have no Word of the Eq[uino]x from you. Did the letter go astray?
I hope you received Q.B.L. safely. I notice Rider in getting out a new Sepher Yetzirah, with new revelations etc. Someone else seems to have caught the current.
The rumours you refer to have not any foundation in fact as I am aware. All seems O.K. with us. Strangely enough however I heard yesterday that someone from the Dept of Libra had called at my old office soon after I left 3 months ago, and had been told, quite in good faith, that they thought I had gone to the Coast. The other enquiry seemed to produce no further result. I think, as you suggest, it must be merely an echo.
I saw the new novel [Diary of a Drug Fiend] advertised in the O.[ccult] R.[eview] and hope to hear of its publication soon.
With every good wish to all.
Love is the law, love under will,
As ever,