Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Bennett
[Undated. Probably December 1922]
J.[ohn] B.[unyan] [1]
Yes, I am in bed with a hell of a cold—plus the reaction of the novel [The Diary of a Drug Fiend]—plus the anxiety over my new contract which the publisher promised me to-day. The story of my life—I mean my 9 lives!
I'm very glad you have found out the formula—to make things happen. Only don't forget to reconcile this with the Way of the Tao.
I will now resume sweating.
93 93/93.
Yours ever fraternally
The Beast 666
1—[Crowley delighted in making comparisons between Frank Bennett's accounts of his visionary experiences and the writings of the seventeenth century English Christian writer and preacher John Bunyan, and thus would sometimes address him by that name.]