Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
January seventeenth Nineteen hundred and twenty three P.O. Box 141, Chicago, Ill
To Mega Therion, 666. Northern Africa.
Care Frater Therion,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
I have no wish, after our long and close relationship, that we should fall out over such a "small point". I think some parts of your letter of December the twenty-eighth are lacking in that dignified courtesy which is due to your fellow men, however ignorant or inferior you may consider them to be. You criticize my use of words, which, however, are to be found in any standard dictionary, and which, though perhaps little used, are expressive of the ideas I wished to convey. There seems little excuse for your rudeness and discourtesy, especially since you are the Outer Head of the Order, and should be above such pettiness.
A stated clearly in my letter of December twelfth, I said what I did, because I felt the Work might suffer if things were not clearly understood and allowed to progress in an orderly manner. There was no question of "veiled threats", merely a simple statement of what I believe to be true.
I could take up the points of your letter in detail, and draw some very interesting conclusions, but somehow or another it does not seem worth while to continue a discussion of this sort, unless it is to serve some useful purpose. I did not perhaps use the word "produce" in the sense in which you interpret it, but rather as defined on the enclosed slip. AL was, however, obtained from the "higher place" not by a process of intellectual reasoning.
One might well suppose that you considered this Word as the "Key of the Work" after your having written as follows on Sept. 9th. 1919. "Your Key opens Palace. CCXX has unfolded like a flower."
As to ABRAHADABRA, this Word, as you remark, is probably the "Key of the Rituals" referred to in CCXX. Your process of Qabalistic reasoning in 1900, seems to have led you to change one letter of the old word ABRACADABRA. The obvious link between the old and the new, would be to use both the letters C and H, thus making a twelve-fold word, applicable to the Crown of twelve-rays which are One, and obtaining the significant Word ABR-ACHAD-ABRA. Using the numeration 20 for "C" (as in this case it is a separate letter) we obtain a total numeration of 438, viz: that of "The Whole (or Perfect) Stone".
Again, before you started to work out a "third" 31, by means of ST, which has to be worked round to Tarot Trumps, etc. you might have considered that ACHAD, while being 13 in Hebrew as AChD, is also 31 as 1 + 20 + 5 + 1 + 4, and in the light of the Words "one cometh. . . . . . . .key of it all" this is just as probable an explanation, and much more simple, than your carefully reasoned one.
However, my work in regard to these matters, is probably over, for the time being at any rate, and I really do not care very much how you feel in regard to the matter, since neither your feelings nor mine can change the past, and the future is full of opportunity and depends upon our present right action.
I trust your Work is progressing and wish you and all connected with you, every success.
Love is the law, love under will.
As ever yours,