Correspondence from Betty May to the Aleister Crowley
Hotel Panormus. Palermo (Sicile)
[Undated: circa late February 1923]
Dear Beast
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Some very good people took charge of me and took me to the Consul. He was extremely kind and asked no questions which pleased me very much.
I am sailing tomorrow night in charge of "Cooks" people.
I am feeling very much better. I managed to eat a little tea too. I do hope you won't worry about me because I am feeling a little better. I told the Consul I thought Jane [Jane Wolfe] was coming in to-morrow but I wasn't sure. He would like to have all accounts but then, I think he is writing to you.
Please Beast forgive me for leaving so hurridley. I do really hope you are feeling a little better.
The boys were delightful at the station and asked me to come back soon. I wonder if I shall. I don't know. When I get back to England I will write to you and any books you would like I will send them out. I hope Jane will write to me when she arrives than I can come to meet her. Beast may I just have one thing. Will you give Jane my Talesam Raoul made for me. I really do think so much of it.
My love to everybody in the Abbey [Abbey of Thelema].
Love is the law love under will.
(Signed) Betty Loveday.