Correspondence from Raoul Loveday to Betty May
Letter sent by Raoul Loveday (Frater AUD) to his wife (Betty May) on the morning of February 12, and delivered to Betty by Alostrael [Leah Hirsig].
[February 12, 1923].
My most dear Betty,
Let us try to get all this silly business finished. We managed to get on well enough till a few days ago. If you will come back to the Abbey and get yourself under control, and do as I tell you, you will find that things will be all right. Certainly no one wants you to stay away. I won't go to the hospital because the nuns there are mere ornaments and in any case I am not in a fit state to be moved. Moreover, I don't want to go—and I won't. Write me a note saying if you will come back. If you won't you had better send for your bag. There is no one here to take in. But be a good girl and come.
Always your
[This letter was dictated by Raoul to Soror Estai [Jane Wolfe], who was taking care of him at the time. The only answer that I got from Betty on delivery was that the writing was not Raoul's and that she would get her bag herself. She came to the Abbey [Abbey of Thelema] for that purpose and it was then that a reconciliation was brought about—Leah Hirsig.]