Correspondence from Betty May to the British Consulate




Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum,

Cefalù, Sicily.



Feb. 12, 1923.



The British Consul,




Dear sir:


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


I have been very ill for the last week and the result has been to throw my nervous system in disorder with the result that I had an attack of hysteria in consequence of which I wrote a letter to you which I now ask you to ignore completely. I have asked my husband to countersign this present letter that you may know that my previous action was done without his approval and my present one with it.


I should mention that I was not turned out of the Abbey [Abbey of Thelema] but on the contrary urged to stay both by my husband and by Alostrael [Leah Hirsig], Virgin Guardian of the Sangraal. Now that I am myself in a calm state, I see clearly the Mr. Crowley is in full possession of his mental faculties.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours truly,



[This is from a copy of the letter sent. A note on the copy states that "The greeting and ending of this letter were left entirely to Betty who said she would like to put them in".]


