Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley





Box 141 Chicago. Ill.



[Undated: circa early March 1923]



My Beloved Father,




I am in receipt of your letter of February 26th. As mentioned in my last I have done nothing further in regard to 5-200-1, and have no intention of doing anything at present.


The article in Pearson's is very interesting, and of course you have every right to answer it in any manner you desire, but you have no right whatever to use my name without my permission, in regard to any matter of this sort. I must request you not to do so in future, but to remember that I am building up my work under my chosen name in my own way and that I do not wish to be made responsible under that name for any other aspect of the work but that which I choose to give out under that heading.


I have been obliged to forward a copy of the enclosed letter to the Editor of Pearson's, though I very much wish you had not made it necessary for me to do so.


With every good wish,


Yours as ever,


