Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
March 15th 1923. E.V.
My Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Your letter of February 23rd. gave me mingled pleasure and pain. The news of the passing for Frater AUD [Raoul Loveday], of your consequent grief and also your own temporary ill-health, is distressing, while, on the other hand your kindly remarks and evident good-will in all things could scarcely give me anything but pleasure and joy.
Q.B.L. will I hope justify its existence in the long run, I am glad to say it is attracting favourable notice in many places, and I have had no averse criticism to speak of. At the same time it is bringing me into touch with some good people in all parts of the earth. Even J.F.C.F. [J.F.C. Fuller] broke his silence, and indirectly it has put me in close touch with Sidney Klein and others.
I have orders a D.F. [Diary of a Drug Fiend] but have not received it yet. Will write further when I have read it.
Crystal Vision [Crystal Vision through Crystal Gazing] and Parzival [The Chalice of Ecstasy] are a little delayed by slow printers, but should be out this month. Orders are coming in rather well in advance. I have written XXXI Hymns to the Star Goddess Who Is Not, for publication by a Maker of Books [Will Ransom] in a small subscription edition on handmade paper at $3.50. Circulars will be out soon. I think you will like this little volume, it is quite different from anything else you have seen of mine. The Occult Press Review of California have accepted an article for publication and want more. I am about to write a little volume entitled "IU, The Ever Coming Son" [The Egyptian Revival] tracing the Horus story from the earliest times to the New Aeon and showing its influence throughout mystical History.
I did nothing further re Abrams, but ignored the matter entirely after the letter I sent you copy of. So your fears are groundless on that score. I think C.F.R. [C. F. Russell] may be in touch though.
I must now turn to the other side of the shield. I had been making desperate efforts to get out of debt and get enough to relieve the acute poverty in which we have been, and seemed on the verge of doing so, when I received your note through Br Fazio. I really do want to help and feel it my duty to do so, but I felt a bit blue in regard to the way you adopted, though no doubt stress of circumstances caused you to act as you did. Please do not put me in such an awkward position again, I have sent the enclosed to Fazio, and will attend to the matter as soon as possible, but I don't mind telling you that at the time, we had nothing in cash of our own, and just a few dollars of Dede's [Deirdre Stansfeld Jones] between us and the outer world. We have been financing on a shoo-string (literally since we need shoes) and it is a marvel how we have kept going. If it were not for our implicit faith in the Gods, and the "good prospects" I don't think we could keep on at all. Classes and Lectures have brought in very little this season compared with last, and Royalties are not obtainable till books are published and sold, as you know.
Anyway, I shall do the best I can, and trust you will understand the situation, and remember that a very little may cause ship-wreck if unexpected.
With every good wish, from all, to all,
As ever,
A Photographer attracted to lectures made some pictures for me, I have sent you two for the Equinox.