Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones
Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum, Cefalù, Sicily.
Mar 16, 1923. e.v.
My beloved son,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Just a line to let you know that I am gradually pulling through the complex sickness which has knocked me out since early in January. It was touch and go for quite a long while. I was out* to-day for the first time since Feb, 17.
I have decided to take no further notice of Genesthai's [C. F. Russell] communications; whatever one writes he makes it an excuse for a new outburst of insolence, self-glorification, and envious abuse of his superiors. I make a point of letting you know my decision immediately. It may be important, when he explodes, to be able to show that he has acted throughout in direct and deliberate opposition to the principles of the A∴A∴ and to the instructions of his superiors; and that this, as in the case of Ryerson [Albert W. Ryerson], has been the cause of his crash. You will of course have noted that with a lunatic's cunning, he eats humble pie as soon as he feels that he has gone too far, so as to get in with us again. Please be on your guard against these tactics. Your letters to him, so far as I have seen them, have been admirably correct; but I really doubt the wisdom of having anything to do with him. If the smash does not finish him entirely, it may knock some sense into him, and it might be our duty to pick up the pieces; but I should certainly cut him off completely until that smash has come to pass.
Love is the law, love under will.
Thy sire,
The Beast 666.
* Sitting wrapped up in the sunshine.
P.S. It may amuse you to observe the latest spasms of the enemy. It is all evidently part of some deep laid plan of the Gods.
I hope that you and yours and the Work are all flourishing. Get ready for the stream prophesied by Frater AUD [Raoul Loveday]. I expect you to be the chief tributary.
Please send me post haste a copy of Liber 31 as my copy is somewhere in London and it will be some time before I can get it. Also, if there are any additions to it, let me have them. (or other notes on the Qabalah of CCXX.)
This is very urgent, as Fra. O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] is to come here and work with me to get out the math proofs of 93. He should be here by mid-May; & we ought to have all available data to hand.