Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Robert Stott
Collegium ad Spiritum Sanctum, Cefalù, Sicily
Mar. 16, 1923.
Robert Stott, Esq.
Dear Sir,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. (You wrote "as" for "what", and "is" for "shall be". "Change not as much as the style of a letter . . . . . .")
Your letter reached me.
I am glad that you have read the Equinoxes, corresponded with V.I.O. [Charles Stansfeld Jones], and known Ananda Mettaya [Allan Bennett].
Damn wealthy and artistic circles! "Every man and every woman is a star." I am pledged to do my utmost for any one who comes to me, without thought of return of any kind. I have been well paid in advance, in the only currency which has real and unchanging value.
I am doing my utmost to follow the instruction of Liber Legis.
Yes, even newspaper sometimes fail to keep out odd scraps of truth. That is not to say that it is worth while reading them.
Much can be done in London to establish the Law. You should arrange at once for an interview with Soror Estai (Miss Jane Wolfe, c/o Western Engraving Co. 18 Broad St. Golden Sq., is her postal address.)
I remember Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley] and Inman [Herbert Inman]; the former should get into touch with Soror Estai at once. I have learnt a good deal since the days when I knew him. I understand the nature of the Great Work far better than I did, and have now much experience which enables me to help people to find their True Wills much more easily and quickly than in the past. In other words, I have developed a very efficient technique. Soror Estai is in London for the very purpose of establishing the Law and helping people who need it, or indicating to those who wish to help us, how they can best do so.
It is important to work "without lust of result" (CCXX - I - 44). You will find the results come with astonishing quickness as soon as you begin to work in this way. You stop your own progress by hankering after rewards.
The reassuring word for which you ask is Thelema. It is ultimately impossible to avoid fulfiling the purpose of your being. Our troubles come from running after some ideals, and failing to understand who we really are and the dynamic [?] which represents our true natures by means of the symbolism of a course of action. Magick is quite real. There again, doubt and disappointment come from not understanding what Magick really is.
The question of the Child is too recondite to discuss in a letter. It must suffice to say that it appeared exactly as foretold in the Book of the Law and found "the key to it all", in due course. Soror Estai should be able to give you further details if desired.
Love is the law, love under will,
Yours fraternally,
The Beast 666.