Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Aleister Crowley
P.O. Box 141 Chicago. Ill.
April 23rd 1923. E.V.
My Beloved Father,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Many thanks for yours of March 23rd, April 2nd and April 6th.
The Word of the Equinox is very interesting, so are the Divinations. In taking your advice not to communicate the Word to Frater Genestai [C. F. Russell], and in order to avoid distinctions, I shall not transmit the Word to any of the others on this occasion. It will be, so to speak, "a word not known".
I think there is a good deal in that verse in CCXX, the "division hitherhomeward" may account for a great deal which otherwise appears puzzling. This is undoubtedly a period of the utmost importance, and of intense silent activity. It is truly a "Bring Forth". Please be observant of [I Ching] Hexagram LXI. There is no doubt of the Inmost sincerity; but remember "avoid exceeding its legitimate functions". I am doing just what Hex[agram] XXXVII indicates, both in regards personal household, and the spreading of the Light. "The Ever-Coming Son" [The Egyptian Revival], when published, will certainly help, the MSS was finished just before I received your letter. On April 16th, a further revelation was granted me, which I believe will be actual scientific demonstration of so definite nature that those with a grain of intelligence must recognise it.
Your long letter of April 2nd, is very lucid. I quite agree that the best way to refute the foolish statements is to publish true ones rather than worry about the shadows that pass and are done. CCXX is very definite on this point. Your Autobiography [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley], should help to clear the air. But do not judge others too severely, because they do not always act as you think they should. Have you ever found the Plan of the Gods failing to work out properly? Why then suppose that Fuller's [J.F.C. Fuller] silence, which is his own chosen method, is the wrong one for him?
I am glad you are pleased with my progress, truly the Gods have been good to me. I'll consider what you say about IU, but think the book itself will make all clear.
I do not think that Seabrook's [William Seabrook] articles[1] are going to do you much good. They are a little better than the Hearst stuff which is all over this Country, but for all that, dirty enough. But, as you said in your other letter, this is doubtless part of a deep laid plan of the Gods.
Your plans for the book on the "Mind" seem very excellent; worked out in detail they should do much good. The time is not yet ripe for attempting to get other books in the hands of Publishers who are undertaking some of my work, or we shall have another financial smash through overloading. I have already indicated that it might be possible for them to make an arrangement to republish Book 4 Parts One and Two, a little later on. But please do not hurry the matter. In any case my advice as far as this country is concerned, would be to publish these in a different shape, size, and under another Title. People are always getting confused, and think it the fourth part of some other book.
Re your letter of April 6th. Lea's [Leah Hirsig] intuition is correct. Frater Achad is not 8-3, (It is a lie, this folly against self). Frater Achad is a dweller in Malkuth by his own choice. If you persist in dwelling in the Heaven of Jupiter, it is not my fault, I have got this Kingdom to attend to, and intend to do things in my own way. It is impossible to argue the point, despite how you may feel that Marky might have done me a lot of good, and he may do yet, for that matter,; but I do not want to spoil larger plans for the sake of details. I have been granted a fairly clear vision of what is before me, and I am taking it step by step with confidence and certainty. I cannot explain to you any more quickly than I can explain to the whole world, therefore the explanation of my peculiar conduct will have to wait till I have time to do it properly.
Surely you know by this time that all things are working out according to a Great and Orderly Design, if you do not, you should. How could anyone possible [illegible] away from either of as the actual facts of our Initiated Experience. But the Final Cause may not yet be apparent, even if the Efficient Cause is; to say nothing of the Formal and Material causes. I should not be flummoxed by such a situation as you describe, but I do not think it well that such a thing should be necessary. All will be clear, we shall all come into our own. If you will please remember "Let him not seek to try, for thereby alone can he fall from it" etc. The establishment of RIGHT RELATIONS is of much importance. Please do trust me to do the best I can for all concerned, according to the Light which is given to me.
I am nor joking when I state with calm assurance that if quietly left to go on with my work I shall be able to produce a definite scientific proof of the Kingdom of R.[a] H.[oor] K.[huit] and H.P.K. in the course of the next few months. A proof of such a universal nature that it will attract the best minds of all Religions, and of all scientific people at the same time.
Ever fraternally,
1—This was the narrative by W. B. Seabrook that was serialized in a number of newspapers owned by the Hearst conglomerate in 1923. - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 1 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 2 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 3 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 4 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 5 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 6 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 7 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 8 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 9 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 10 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 11 - Astounding Secrets of the Devil Worshipers' Mystic Love Cult - Part 12