Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Ninette Shumway




[10 May 1923]



Dear Shummy and all,


666 is sleeping like a baby. We do keep dreadful hours. I slept from 3 to 6 yesterday afternoon, after having got up at 12.30. But we do not sleep much before 3 a.m. It is wonderfully delightful at night and though there is a continuous noise such as would drive one mad anywhere else, here it merely tends to soothe me. We are right out of the new Tunis, inside the Porte de France where the Arab quarter begins. I have never known such peace and calm before. Not even silence on the part of our loved ones in Cefalů tends to break that peace.


We went to a movie the other night, sitting in 50 centime seats among the 'gosse' as they call the boys here. I wish our boys could get in with a crowd of them.


We plan to go to the Desert—there is work to be done there.


