Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd
Hotel Au Souffle du Zephyr, Marsa Plage, Tunis.
A May 13/23.
Care Frater,
Yours of May 6 gave me much pleasure. I quite agree with your idea of your work. I made a definite Act of Will not to allow material questions to invade my mind.
I have no reason to suppose that my bank account will suffer interference. This place costs a minimum of 100 francs a month for two without extras. One could not hope to fins anything cheaper. One ought to allow a considerable margin for extras.
"Conquer!" If the Order of Expulsion can be rescinded it would be a complete moral victory; and further action of the kind would be too insane even for Ice-cream Statesmen.
"Against the people". We stand for the supremity of each individual as opposed to knocking of every one's angles. [illegible] Also we are against [illegible].
I not my error in trying to imitate everybody alike. That is where you can come in by keeping rotters away from me. Yet using each according to his nature.
I have reached a stage where all events serve my campaign. If I score, I score; if not, it is additional injustice! Hence, I am now entirely confident.
I am violently at work on the Qabalistic Comment, and will enclose further notes as soon as copied. You must put them in shape; I can't. Note that Greek Qabalah is very different to Hebrew. One works with very much larger numbers. I expected therefore fewer correspondences. To my surprise, I get more, perhaps because of the greater mobility of the language. I have discovered numerous extremely striking mysteries.
Please remember that the utmost conscientiousness is essential. For example, one must make up one's mind before publishing results to use inflected words or nominatives only. Theoretically, perhaps, one should use only words of one dialection . My notes will show you many examples of what I mean. Some of them are mere material for research; others appear significant, but of these anything doubtful must be rejected. Quite unfamiliar numbers are now appearing; notably 311, 450, 510, 771, 1220, 1331 and some others.
My plan is to write a sort of Word for word numerical translation of each of the "puzzle-passages". Thus,
I-16 A complex prime here
Note that some of the proofs (i.e. of the praeter-human knowledge of Aiwass) are inherent in the text of the verse; others refer to other verses others again to the general keys of the book. It is quite beyond me to present these discoveries in a systematic and intelligible form to untrained people.
By the "general keys", I refer to CCXX—I, 46; II-76; and III, 47. They are the various numbers chosen to express Zero—11, 33, 61, 93, 418 and π.
The alternative use of Hebrew and Greek Qabalah must not confuse you. Take the Secret Key letter (1) Sigma Theta or (2) Shin-Tau. (1) = 209 while (2) = 309. Then Theta = 318, Teth 418. Again Eta = 309 but Cheth 318. One must not use these alternatives indiscriminately.
I am annoyed that the final meaning of some tantalizing correspondences escapes me. For instance, Khabs = 311 = Beta = Beth = House. Now O'IKOS, house = 370, which is To, and with the article 440, which is MU. The idea seems to be to convey the identity of the letters B and M, or interpret B as To = positive existence. I think CCXX - II - 15, 16, tells me to use Digamma in certain cases for Upsilon, so that I may take Delta Digamma as a formula of Hadit. This is the root of Dunamis which expresses him admirably, and spelt with Digamma = 311 again. Then Dus thus spelt = 80 which should throw light on I-46. This sort of thing leads one on indefinitely—one gets more knowledge than one can digest.
It is rare to find things both satisfactory and complete such as the root of the idea "wheel", Kul = 450 or 56 (and Nu in either case.)
Lastly, there are some undeniable identities which merely annoy, such as NUX = Phi = Mod.
The temptation is to stray beyond the exegisis into the open Qabalah.
Despite these complaints, I have made astonishing progress in these few days. I look to you to send me some systematic digest of my important results, to serve as a spring board for the next dive. Also a criticism, and if possible, some work of your own—to tell me how your mind works.
By the way, traces of English Qabalah have begun to attract attention. It began with the pub He—helios, She, Selene. I am annoyed.
No more now. Will write again soon.
93 93/93
Yours fraternally,
The Beast 666.