Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Ninette Shumway




[Undated: probably 27 May 1923]



Dear Ninette




Grathers [?] ! I enclose a copy of the horoscope with a selection of names which can be given when she is properly baptized. I meant to write out a ceremony long ago but have been stopped by Freudian considerations.


The Royal trine of Luna, Uranus—Jupiter, tho' not very close, seems the most important thing in the horo[scope]. There are no bad aspects in the nativity but also nothing particularly strong except this trine. The moon rising in her own house, she is right on the cusp of the ascendant and is very powerful, and as she is supported by the two big planets, there seems nothing to compare in importance with her. She is square to Saturn which complicates things a bit, especially as he is retrograde and exalter, but then he is trine to Mercury which should make things easier for him. Mars, rising above Luna, is rather threatening, but there are no bad aspects either to Sun or Moon, so probably there is not much to worry about. There is no big complex to make the child distinguished. She is likely to develop into a fairly ordinary little whore.


You can dig out a good deal from my manuscript notes on astrology. These, by the way, might be worked up into Essays by O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] and sold. If that came off it would encourage me to complete the treatise.


About education of children tell O.P.V. and take note yourself of the following.


"Reading Freud's essays on Sex. I note that children should be taught from the start to criticize their teachers. The teacher should therefore tell the child something wrong, tell him that it is wrong, and get him to find out where the error lies. The history of the mistakes made by mankind in the past, as to chemistry, astronomy, religion, etc. should be emphasized, and the way in which the truth came to light made very plain."


I have been working very hard and have some more to do so no more now. Very sad at having no letter this morning.


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Ever yours with lots of love




