Correspondence from Crowley to Charles Stansfeld Jones









Sol in 20 Gemini, Luna 27 Taurus

[11 June 1923]


My beloved Son,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law.


Your Parzival [The Chalice of Ecstasy] just arrived—I'm sick in bed, but I must write you with my own hand to tell you how overjoyed I am—repaid a millionfold for all I have been through—and encouraged to buck all I may have to go through yet.


The style and all are A.1. and I am particularly struck by your map on p. 76 in view of the similar though more elaborate chart I sent you recently. Will you criticize that chart, please, and send it back for me to put into final form in the light of your views; we may then issue it officially.


I have been going through some wonderful experiences.


"We are dust—with exultation" You will understand.


Love is the law, love under will.


Thy fortunate sire


The Beast 666


P.S. Remember that the greatest artist is he who best understands his limitations. That is 93 and that is the chief factor in your success in this book. By the way, I have failed to understand conditions in U.S.A. I wouldn't understand—at least, wouldn't admit that I understood. Don't blame me too much as my recent analyses have told me the definition.


