Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett







August 2, 1923 e.v.



My dear Prog[adior],


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Your letters of June 15 and 22 arrived yesterday with enclosure of £10 for which I will give you a preliminary "thank you." O.P.V. [Norman Mudd] will give you the regular one. He is at present with The Beast who is on a Magical Retirement and is not in communication with the outside world at the moment. You understand, I know. I hope that we shall hear from Rabinowitz [Norman Robb] and the other man whose name I have forgotten. O.P.V. will answer them and any other letters which may come to Beast. He has come to us at the exact moment when we needed him most and we rely on him absolutely for everything. I hope he will not be too sorely tried. But then, the God's know one's limit, don't they?


Ninette [Ninette Shumway] has a beautiful baby girl [Isabella]—just over two months old and the other Abbey children are coming on fine. I wish you could see Astarte Lulu Panthea. She is a great big girl now. We are getting along as best we can both here and at the Tunis end, but as you know, the Expulsion put a lot of our plans on the blink and ate up the money that would have served us for a long time to come. Every penny is welcome. But we shall "endure" to the end.


I am sending this on to O.P.V. to mail with his own letter to you. I hope that your work will be steady now and that some of the so-called good things of life, which we like and which do not need to harm us, will come your way. You know that you have our very best love always.


Love is the law, love under will.


Fraternally yours,





