Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe
Aug. 30/23 e.v.
Cara Soror, (Estai)
Yours of Aug. 23. Your experiences with a quite unusually foul type of Black Magick which you described are quite amusing. But really you should be old enough to know better than to allow yourself to get into a passive state in relation to anything so obviously unclean. Of course you are not English otherwise the address should have been sufficient warning. Earl's Court is puerulent with putrefying catamenia. Its is really just one step below Bayswater.
I do quite seriously [hope] you will be very careful in dealing with such people. They are so flabby spiritually as they are physically and are always taking whisky medicinally. They jabber in a loathesome jargon of pseudo-occult terms. They are always totally incapable of scholarship or soap [?]. The only danger of them is that the practice a peculiar kind of onanism whose nature I cannot profess to know in detail. I am not sufficiently curious manure to stick my nose into it but the general result is that they are either able to do, or appear to be able to, do various tricks of a low-class physiological type congruous with their parasitic and verminous nature.
Your course with all such people is evident. Refuse to discuss Crowley of the "other side" or psychism or eminations or laying on of hands. Do not let them dope you with bad babble and worse whiskey. Stick to the point of the Law of T[helema], force them to discuss it cleanly and intelligently. It is an infallible touch stone. The vile flee instinctively from the light. The most symptomatic thing in the letter is the rubbish about the Crowley emination. To imagine that I exist after I have put myself to endless trouble to pass away by that kind of passing away so leaves nothing whatever behind is the kind of impudence and the hallmarks of an ineradicable passion of putridity.
Do be careful, dear Estai, you have got into one mess with John B[ull] for neglecting my counsel to be cleanly, you are headed straight for another with this succulent ooze of flaccid and flatulated poultice.
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