Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Charles Stansfeld Jones
Tunisia Palace Hotel, Tunis.
Sept. 27, 1923. e.v.
Care Frater,
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
The Pass Word is יתי אוד "Let there be light."
(AUD is the technical expression for the popular form of light characteristic of the Sacred Magick. The value of AUD is 11 "as all their numbers who are of us". Spelt in full its value is 558 = 6x93 = ךדת (to initiate) and particularly means the principle of Thelema extended in man and particularly in his Ruach, also his human consciousness in Tiphereth. is the symbol of Harpocrates and the form Bacchus, Parsifal, the Great Fool. ו is again 6, thus referring to the sun and to man, especially to the Atu "The Hierophant" and to the sign Taurus, the cherub of earth. is love. The word thus symbolized the redemption of man by Aphrodite and Dionysus. אוד should also be understood as honouring the memory of our brother AUD who fell fighting by my side against malice and treason during the passage of the sun through Aquarius, An. XVIII.
ת has the value 25 = the square of 5 היוא (a title of the Beast), that is, the pentagram in action. It represents the conjunction of the Father and the Mother (ה) Spelt in full ידתיוד adds to 60 = ה Atu 14 = Sagitarius = alchemical transmutation.
The two words put together contain 6 letters. The total value is 36= the square of 6. This represents the establishment of the solar light and energy in man, especially as manifested by 666, the Solar Man. 25+11=36; tat is, it leads from 52 to 62, the Magical Light raising man to Godhead, the accomplishment of the Great Work.
The combined words add to 618 – 2x309 = 2x שט; the secret compound letter which is the third 31 of 93. 618 symbolises the expression in duality of שט
The Oracle explanatory of the Pass Word is CCXX – 1 – 51 "Purple beyond purple; it is the light higher than eyesight" A precise description of Aud.
Love is the law, love under will,
Your fraternally,
Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] 31-666-31 The Scarlet Woman [illegible] 93
P.S. Attention is called to the regulations of the Order pertinent to the Pass Word.
The Pass Word is charged at each Equinox. It indicates the nature of the Magical energy which should predominate in the work of the Order generally and each of its members severally. It serves as a forecast of the quintessence of the event of the following 6 months.
Neophytes of the Order are entitled to receive the Word from the Chancellor, Praemonstrator or Orator. It is also communicated at his discretion to any person working under his direct supervision by any member of the Third Order. Any one not in possession of the current Pass Word is not to be recognized as a member of the Order, whatever his previous standing may have been, or whatever claims he may put forward.
Those in possession of the Pass Word must not omit to join to the date of any letter that they may write to any other member of the Order by adding together the values of the first and last letters (in this case 10 + 4 = 14 = XIV.) On receiving a letter thus guaranteed it is to be answered by the square of that number in Roman figures (196 = CXCVI). The receipt of a letter not thus marked is to be taken as conclusive evidence that the writer is not in good standing and his claim to membership of the Order consequently unfounded; and an indication that he should in no wise be trusted.
Should any person previously known to you as connected with the Order explain his non-possession of the Pass Word by his having voluntarily ceased his connection with the Order, the truth of the statement may be tested; for such are supplied with a substitute Word recognizably related with the Pass Word as a proof of good faith.
Membership of the A∴A∴ is for life, as any person who wills is entitled to claim the Grade of Master of the Temple, so, having done so, he is not able to leave it, by virtue of certain other regulations known only to members of that Grade.
Any person claiming to have been a Member of that Grade but to be so no longer, thereby proves himself to be an imposter and a common cheat.
The Beast 666 9º=2o A∴A∴, the Word of the Aeon Thelema, is the sole and supreme authority in the Order. The Grade as that of Ipsissimus 10º=1o cannot be known to be held by any other; the claim to possess it constitutes ipso facto a falsehood, until the Aeon of "the double-wanded one" (CCXX-III-34). Should any person claim that this event has occurred, the statement may be tested as follows: (1) the Word, and the Magical Formula of the Aeon, will be so [illegible] with its nature as are Thelema 93 and Abrahadabra 418 with that of this; and as self-evidently of All Truth, (b) Each and all of the events foretold in Liber CCXX will have taken place, (c) The Word and Formula will have been fully assimilated by the Spirit of Mankind, thus becoming reactionary, false, and inoperative, (d) The Oracle "Another prophet shall arise, and bring fresh fever from the skies; another woman shall awake the lust and worship of the Snake; another soul of God and beast shall mingle in the globed priest; another sacrifice shall stain the tomb; another king shall reign; and blessing no longer be poured to the Hawk-headed mystical Lord "will have become intelligible in every detail in the light of actual events manifest to all Aspirants in a manner beyond doubt or dispute, (c) the events in CCXX-III-34 will have taken place—"the fall of the Great Equinox; when Hrumachis shall arise and the double-minded one assume my throne and place" which cannot be till centuries have passed—see the first sentence of the verse. Any such claim not thus demonstrated true is complete proof of the complete ignorance or dishonesty, or both, of its promulgator. The Beast 666 is stated in the Book of the Law to be manifested solely in the man generally known by the name of Aleister Crowley, whose authority (as defined in CCXX) in the Order is thus as certain as any other preposition set forth in the Book during his present incarnation. His legitimate successor as the Visible Head of the Order will be designated plainly by Him in an Official Proclamation.