Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Aimée Gouraud
Oct. 1 / 23
Dearest Aimée,
Thanks for your letter. I have to dictate this reply being all in and in bed for a day or so. I have just finished a tremendous [illegible] of works and am feeling [illegible] reaction but it has been a huge success.
It is certainly rotten luck about my movements. I expect to come to Paris within the next week or two. I suppose I shall just miss you.
By the way, what do you do with your house when you are away. Do you shut it up or keep it going at low pressure? If the latter, and you'd like to lend it to us while you are away, I can promise you I'll fix up something really amusing by the time you return. Please cable if you will.
In any case I will write to you in America. I shall probably be somewhere near Paris for the winter.