Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd







Oct. 15/23 e.v.

(Copied Oct. 18 by 31-666-31 [Leah Hirsig])



Care Frater,




I answer yours serial [?]. Everything all most comfortable. Alostrael [Leah Hirsig] better daily; needs nothing but undisturbed loafing for at least 3 months. Thanks for notes on Comment—most admirable and helpful. III—39 "quickly" = in a lively manner. About S.W. [Scarlet Woman]—Alostrael can and is probably meant to assist as Ouarda [Rose Kelly] did. "The Bride" is definitely Ouarda. See II—37. The great miss was Ouarda's toying etc. On our return to England her family laughed her out of continuing my programme. My idea of the S.W. is much like yours.  Aimée Gouraud, or much better, Eva Tanguay, or even, at a pinch Roddie Minor, might fill the bill, but I expect some on much younger. She should be my concubine for form's sake, but bust up society on her own, acting as Binah to my Chokmah. I have always doubted whether Alostrael could do this job and she did fail in one Supreme Ordeal. Hence, no doubt, the present necessities. She has the qualities however of S.W. but no opportunity. We do not want a vulgar adulteress ala Sady Abdy or even a selfish stupid debauche like Aimée Gouraud. Eva Tanquay is the ideal if she were 10 years younger. My feeling is that the Rich Man [from the West] should come first and pour his gold. We need practically unlimited supplies—no pitiful 20000.


"Abstruction—in Ms. A and is doubly underlined. My idea was a praeterhuman "abstraction, obstruction" i.e. overcome opposition of Museum Authorities and take away the Stélé. I think "heart" does mean Tiphereth.


