Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd
Oct 30 [1923]
To understand this you need to know this yarn.
I complained (1918 or 19) on the steps of the Brevoort Hotel that Kate Seabrook's lip-rouge was permanently staining my glans penis.
I did this in metaphor, of course, with all possible decorum of speech; but the cognoscenti understood, and the incident became famous all over N[ew] Y[ork].
MORAL: Never dismiss any slightest remark of mine as pointless: the more commonplace it seems, the more certain is it that some Arcanum is counseled. You noticed the quotation at the end of "Gargoyles" "Kneel down, dear maiden—say nothing: on the contrary, continue.
These words would be silly unless her 'continuing' was lyrically 'contrary' to her speaking.
Cf also (of course) the Whistling Loon: and do try to extract the nectar.