Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Norman Mudd





[1 November 1923]



My beloved son,


You have an idea as to what our needs are. It is important that the cheques for 162 francs (October 31) and 1200 francs (November 12) be honoured at all costs. I won't pry into your financial resources, only you must keep us going. We are doing some very important work and tho' I am quite fit again I do not want to take a chance at another collapse. In plain language we need as least 2500 fr. per month and as much more as can be spared. I have killed my heart as far as Cefalů and London are concerned.


And now to holier things. We are doing visions and things and I feel that tho' I am very stupid, at least part of the veil has been lifted. Also I am at peace in my mind most of the time and in a hell of a temper—a healthy temper not infrequently.


Beast is getting on—he acts like a colt in a green field. He does not actually roll over on his back but that may yet come. It is a pleasure to see him eat dry bread, anchovies with flies as the dressing etc.


