Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd


Report on Alostrael's [Leah Hirsig] Health

18 November 1923




1. Cough. Either it is no more, or I am stone deaf.


2. Sleep. Nothing to fear on this score, unless she kills Duncan!


3. Collapse. None since [illegible]. I tested her very severely yesterday and she helped with my Cap II—wrote 5 1/2 hours and was not unduly fagged.


4. Appetite. A.1.


5. Digestion. Occasional irregularity. One rather bout of nausea—too many pea-nuts!


6. Smoking. Has quit (as per Oath)


7. Drink. O.K.


8. Nursing. Needs none.


9. Univ. Med. Has not needed further dose.


10. Mental State. Getting better steadily. [illegible] at times—wants new clothes, a house of our own, worldly [illegible] etc. So do I! Fed up with this land—to [illegible] scraping through. Fix us up right on this, and you'd [illegible] our efficiency and use to the world.


11. Exercise. Have taken less, being busy preparing for . Next week hope to take much more.


12. Work. Quite able to do a fair amount—but resents it! God bless her!


13. Play. We enjoy fooling about: wish there were more variety, though.


