Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd







Nov. 30/23 e.v.



Care Frater,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


The bearer of this note, (Miss Kempster, ( rising, in ) tells me that she thinks the Gods have been preparing her by a series of very painful ordeals on all planes for some Great Work. She more or less accepts The Law of Thelema, so far as she understands it, and [illegible] apprehends that her True Will is to help mankind spiritually.


She may be one of the Three Guests referred to by the Yi with regard to my coming here. It is certainly remarkable that we should have got down to brass tacks in the first hour or so of conversation. Note that her time for discussion with either us or you is far too short for her to get any sort of mental grip on what we have to say. She has been told by an Astrologer (at least some of whose statements indicate that he knows something of the science) that this year she must take a decisive step. (Without Ephemeris I cannot check this.) In any case it does suggest itself that the Gods may have it in mind to test her by demanding an Act of Truth. Her natural impulsiveness has been damped by long experience of the . . .


[part of letter missing?]


. . . judgment as to what practical steps you should advise her to take. My Will is simply to help her to attain; and it is not my business to indicate the intellectual interpretation of that Will as per our regular agreement.


Love is the law, love under will.


Yours fraternally,


To Mega Therion




