Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Cutler and Rooke




[Undated: circa December 1923]



Cutler and Rooke



Dear Mr. Cutler




All sorts of obstacles have delayed Professor Mudd's [Norman Mudd] return to England but I expect he will be in London within a week or two. I am myself coming as soon as I possibly can to Paris and hope to be in London in the spring.


I had hoped that my last visit to London would have succeeded in putting us in a position to pay you what I owe you. As you presumably know, the venomous attacks of certain gutter journalists interfered with my success and made my position worse rather than better. I am now coming back to get even with these people and establish my position thoroughly.


I am writing this because I want you to continue to help me out in the following way. An essential part of my campaign will be to assume an air of almost superhuman respectability. I sent to you quite a number of clothes of that type to put in good shape where necessary. In particular, if you can match the cloth, I need a pair of dress trousers, the old ones having got moth eaten in the U.S.A. I want you to send us as complete a wardrobe as possible including one or both of the fur coats you have. Between myself and Professor Mudd you may be sure of getting your pound of flesh without much further delay and you can advance the date by meeting me as far as possible in this way.


It would help me very much if you would let me have a new suit. I think winter tweed, double-breasted reefer jacket, waistcoat to match, but I do not want to presume upon your patience. However, if you can see your way to allowing us this extra latitude—I can rely on your tastes to chose the cloth—I should be very grateful.


Please send these clothes to me at 50 Rue V. Paris VI marked "To wait arrival.


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