Correspondence from Norman Mudd to J.F.C. Fuller









December 28 (XIV).



Care Frater NSF [Non Sine Fulmine (Fuller's Motto)]


My Dear Fuller,


Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


Won't you take a hand in London with Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley], for a week or so, in order to save the common Great Work of all of us from catastrophe, in the desperate conditions which Bayley will explain.


I ask you this, and I ask you with a happier confidence than I could ask anyone else, not in spite of the barriers which exist between you and The Beast, but because of them. Won't you rescue the Great Work and reinspire the hearts of a dozen devoted servants of the Law by an act of pure chivalry———without the thought of reward, or lust of result, or any consideration of personal affection. Frankly you are the only person known to me to whom I could make an appeal so simple and naked.


Love is the law, love under will.


Ever yours fraternally,


Norman Mudd.



