Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Leon Engers Kennedy




50 rue Vavin

Paris VIe



die Tuesday

[circa mid January 1924]




Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.


First—how grateful I am for your sympathy and help!


Next—I am having pictures and drawings sent up at once from Cefalù. But you know how long that often takes. Third—The Paris "Telegram" (only evening paper in English here) is for sale 800,000 fr[ancs].


Frank Harris (oldest and cleverest journalist alive) wants it. Coben, the owner, promised to let him take it over and pay off in installments.


But before this could be put through, people got at Coben and put him against F.H. [Frank Harris] as a pro-German: Coben then demanded 100,000 fr[ancs] down: and the rest as before.


The paper (they say) just manages to pay at present. Harris swears that, what with propaganda funds and so on, he can make a fortune out of it in a year.


He can be trusted here: he is broke, aged 68, and naturally wants to feather his nest well and quickly so as to spend his last years in peace and ease.


He says he thinks that Coben would compromise on about £1200 cash down; and wants £800 more to get it going.


This looks to me like the very thing for your b-i-l [?]: it should suit him down to the ground to control an organ in English in Paris, with an old hand like F.H. (with his supportive views, too!) in charge.


I should want to come in as Asst Editor, Literary and Dramatic Critic etc, with a column to express my special point-of-view.


(Last night I T.S.F.'d in French and English to several thousand people proclaiming the Law of Thelema!)


A thousand curses on this financial cramp. I should like to rush to Holland and put the job through. F.H. would come to Paris on a reasonable prospect of success. Address him: c/o Amexco Nice.


I really believe this scheme would appeal to your Bank: you need nothing so badly as an English voice here. F.H. and I could frighten the life out of the opposition which is sure to be very bitter.


Now then get a move on, Sir Lionel!


Love is the law, love under will.


Remember me to


Ever yours




