Correspondence from H. M. Holman Hunt (of Parker Garret and Co. Solicitors) to Aleister Crowley
Parker, Garrett & Co. St. Michaels Rectory, Cornhill. London. E.C.3.
7th Jan. 1924.
Dear Sir,
I was somewhat surprised to receive your letter of the 5th instant. At the time when the Articles dealing with your career appeared in the Sunday Express I had some communication with Mr. Hammond and I then told him that as you did not think it necessary to meet the allegations made against you I was in some doubt whether I or my firm would be prepared to act for you any further and I also told him definitely that I should do no more work for you until our outstanding Bill of Costs amounting to £28. 14. 0. was paid; that account still remains unsettled.
I then heard, I am doubtful now through what channel, that your establishment at Cefalu had been broken up by the Authorities and that you had been forced to leave Sicily, and, if this be the case, I certainly could not consider representing you any further over here until I am satisfied that your departure from Sicily had been caused by no fault of your own.
Yours faithfully,
[signed] H. Martin Holman
E.A. Crowley, Esq., 50, Rue Vavin, PARIS VI