Correspondence from Charles Stansfeld Jones to Montgomery Evans
C. Stansfeld Jones Collegium Ad Spiritum Sanctum Publication Department P.O. Box 141, Chicago, Ill.
January 13th 1924 E.A.
Montgomery Evans 2nd, 900 Dekalb Street Norristown, Pennsylvania.
Dear Sir,
I have just received a communication from Mr. Norman Mudd, who is at present in Tunis, enclosing a copy of your letter to Aleister Crowley, dated November 30th, 1923, in which you express your interest in his writings and desire to procure some of them for your library.
I hope to be able to fulfil all your desires in this respect, as I hold in trust for him, the rarest of his works in the form of a complete set of MSS, Vellum Editions and Hand-made paper first editions, of practically the whole of his published works, except the MS of "Konx Om Pax" sold to John Quinn. This is an absolutely unique collection of its kind.
In addition, I have the books mentioned at the end of the enclosed catalogue, and also other not mentioned therein, such as the last of ten copies of "The Book of Lies" on vellum; a Japanese Vellum copy of "The Goetia", a Set of the Edition de Luxe of The Equinox, bound in Buckram, etc. etc.
You would undoubtedly be delighted to see some of the rare editions, but some special arrangements would have to be made as they are in fire-proof storage (I refer to the Special Collection.) in another city. But I have some of them here.
I shall be pleased to hear from you, and to do all in my power to be of service in any way possible.
It may be convenient for you to visit Chicago some day in the near future, if so, I shall be delighted to meet you and discuss matters of interest to us both. Please write me fully and frankly in regard to the matter.
Brother Norman Mudd asks me to give you his greetings, and to say that if you care to look him up sometime, he can give you great delight by showing you many unpublished and semi-published MSS, especially the tremendous Autobiography [The Confessions of Aleister Crowley] of A.C.'s which is in his keeping. He also tells me that he can at any time, from Tunis, put you in personal touch with A.C. within 72 hours.
I am glad to have had this opportunity of communicating with you. I might mention that I write a little, under the Name of Frater Achad, and that I give Lectures etc. to a small following here in Chicago.
With sincere good wishes,
Yours very truly,
C. Stansfeld Jones