Correspondence from Frank Harris Aleister Crowley





29 January 1924.



My dear Crowley,


I had a short note today from your M. Mudd [Norman Mudd] saying that you were still awaiting a reply from your German friend and asking me for information as to the Paris Evening Telegram. I am keeping things simmering as I told you, and have the money promised me from one source or another on or before the first of March. Get what you can on your side and we'll all stand in together. If you can get say 300,000 francs and I get the similar sum we'll make the Capital of the paper a couple of million francs, and then see how much we shall want to carry on year by year. In time we ought to be able to double the money we put in, within the year. I'm sending you the Saturday Review with an article of mine explaining why the franc falls in value. Filson Young did right to suppress my name; 'twould have done me harm in Paris and I want to stand well there.


Ever yours affectionately.


Frank Harris.



P.S. I haven't a Saturday Review by me; it appeared in the issue of the 19th January.


