Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd
50 rue Vavin Paris VIe
27-3-24 e.v.
No word of Lea [Leah Hirsig] yet! It is urgent for me to get out of Paris somehow by Sunday at latest. At least, I suspect a nasty trap for me if I don't. So manage if possible to get at least a fiver across by Saturday.
I've considered your letter about 'comradeship', 'baseness' etc. All wrong, below the surface. My trouble has been that I have weakened under the constant abuse of my generosity and friendship. So now when a man comes along with a smooth tale of being my best friend, and doing me a good turn etc and then makes a lot of money out of doing me dirt, I can only say with Browning:
"What a thing friendship is, world without end!"
Utterly fagged: must quit. Though lots more to point out!
93 93/93.
The night of Sunday.
N.B. I must be out of here by March 30; Bourcier will simply hoof me out. Also, there might be more serious trouble still with Pilzer, if I were here. If away, I can explain about my illness, and the need for my presence in England, quite truthfully. I regard this as the device of the Gods to make it fatal for me to hesitate about putting the New Plan into immediate execution.
"Oh! to be in England Now that April's here!"
6.40 P.M. Sudden tendency to collapse in last hour. Fatigue, mental excitement, shortage of h [Heroin]. Sort of light-headed; again = state between sleep and waking with hallucinations and causeless alarms. Have appealed to Chaussegres urgently! Suppose the Gods will support me if They want me any more!