Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Frank Harris




c/o The American Express Co.

2 rue de Congrès.

Nice (a.m) France.






My dear Crowley,


I had taken your advice before receiving it and almost without cash am going on to finish the second vol of "My Life" which I'm going to try to sell for a good sum in "The Benighted States". Les Etatz Entenebres eh? I'm glad you're at work, too; but on "postage stamps"—? I'm trying to sell a piece of land left over from wealthier days; but am only offered a third its value—so must wait—alas!


For your girl whom (please tell) I remember perfectly—I add a great verse!


Ever yours,


Frank Harris



And throughout all Eternity

I forgive you, you forgive me;

As our dear Redeemer said,

This the wine and this the bread!


