Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett




50 rue Vavin Paris VIenue



April. 14/24 e.v.



Dear Prog,




You are a bad man not to have written all these months! I'm sure you're not dead and I don't think you were kidnapped. In either case Mrs. Barton or Fr. Ebeling would have let us know—unless, of course, it happened on the way![1]


Anyway we've had one hell of a time of it. Beast lay ill in Paris for months—no care, and damn little food. And I couldn't get here for want of £8. Since I've been here—2 weeks—he has picked up remarkably but we still wonder where our next near-meal is to come from. Only the greatest tact has kept a roof over our heads & heaven knows what is happening in Cefalu!


You really should make a point of letting us hear from you regularly, even tho' you have nothing to report. Do this, please, say once a month.


Frater V.L. [Adam Murray] is at present in Cefalu with Ninette [Ninette Shumway] and the 4 kiddies. I asked him to write Mrs. Barton for news of you just before I left Sicily and only yesterday I posted the Word of the Spring Equinox, your copy, for him to hold or send on to you as he saw fit.


Write to us—Our heartiest good wishes to you and the Brethren.


93 93/93


Yours fraternally,


Alostrael 31-666-31



1—Mrs. Barton and Mr. Ebeling were both students of Frank Bennett's.


