Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Norman Mudd




Au Cadran Bleu

Chelles, Seine et Marne



May 21/24



My beloved son,


1. Jones apparently vanquished


2. Address till further notice as above.


Provided 1 is correct we should have ample money here for the next 7 or 8 weeks with reasonable care. The last 21 days have knocked me to pieces much more than I supposed was happening. I want, if possible, to be relieved from all business considerations till the end of that period, namely July 23 when A enters e and the Lion may be expected to roar again—even if feebly.


This rest has purchased by means of getting B. [Bourcier] to accept 3 bills. When we have settled affairs here we will tell you further how to act in case time is required which we hope it will not be.


Yours fraternally




P.S. by 31.666.31 [Leah Hirsig]. Rushed to get this off. Will write you later. Recd 93.75 this a.m. Thanks.



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