Correspondence from Leah Hirsig to Frank Bennett




Au Cadran Bleu[1]

Chelles, S. et M.




[24 May 1924]



You dear old Prog[radior],


What a sport you are! I have hardly the heart to scold you for not letting us know—no, I won't. You've seen the whole thing through yourself and you've won.


You have of course received Beast's letter of some weeks ago, postponing your summons to Cefalu—written, or course, when we did not know where you were.


I'm enclosing a letter from Beast. We've had a series of kicks during the past 4 weeks that would fill a book but I think we are fairly well on the road to accomplishing the G[reat]. W[ork].


Please do not forget that you must be very much on your guard to keep from "resting." You have now a clear path—keep going.


Now you must write us regularly. I expect Cefalu will bust up soon but if you address mail to J. G. Bayley [James Gilbert Bayley],  37a Tressillian Road, Brockley, S.E.4. we shall get it O.K.


I can't tell you how glad I am that you are rid of the rubbish heap.


Will you give our fraternal greetings to Frater Libertas and to Soror (I've forgotten her magical name ----) Mrs. Barton[2]. We look forward to a grand gathering of Thelemites when the time is ripe. Until then.


Always and fraternally & lovingly,






1—A small hotel in Chelles, Seine-et-Marne, in the outer eastern suburbs of Paris, where Crowley and Leah sometimes stayed.

2—Mrs. Barton was a student of Frank Bennett's.


