Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to Jane Wolfe






June 9 [1924]

[Draft letter dictated by Crowley to Leah Hirsig]





Your enclosed note from R.S. Never forget that he is, from my point of view, an insane person. I like and admire him but he has no self-control. "Flightiness and irresponsibility" describe him with great accuracy. Moral: Be charming to him and have nothing to do with him.


Catholicism is the grossest as non-conformity is the most inhuman of the Psychoses we are out to destroy. It is also of course the most unscrupulous and clever. Non-conformity merely picks your pocket when you are not looking or injects you with bacilli of tuberculosis on pretext of vaccination. Have nothing whatever to do with the Slain God—his day is past. That is the whole of the truth we are out to proclaim.


