Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to George Cecil Jones





George Cecil Jones


The logic of facts is forcing me to the conclusion that you have deliberately plotted to bring about my death. (Two independent observers concur.) Your attitude to me during your action against the Looking-Glass resulted in the ingenious declaration of the Jury that you were a sodomite.


By a similar mental perversion, your dismissal with disgrace from the British Army (I take your own verbal account—my sole source of information) seems to have led you to doubt my patriotism. Your manifold interest in my death, and the exquisite adjustment of your actions to that end—the plan only miscarried owing to a series of accidents beyond your control—dovetail too well to allow me to explain the circumstances by coincidence.


I think it only fair, however, to give you this last opportunity of offering in private an alternative hypothesis.


Should you convince me of the innocence of your intentions, I shall be able to enter further into the relations between us.


It sometimes proves dangerous to play tricks with other people's money, even when you think you are technically protected by a misinterpretation of a legal document.


