Correspondence from Aleister Crowley to H.B.M. Consul General, Paris




"Au Cadran Bleu"

Chelles, S. et M.



July 3, 1924 E.V.



H.B.M. Consul General






In pursuance of my letter of June 28, I called at the Consulate General this morning at 11 and was informed that you were engaged in conference. I therefore arranged with the Pro Consul the first two items envisaged in my communication of the 28th. ultimo.


I proceed to formulate by letter the substance of the complaint envisaged in Section (c) of my communication of the 28th. ultimo.


A. Pursuant of the request of Miss Clayton of the British Charitable Fund, I called at the Consulate on May 2 to see you personally.


B. At her request I had drafted a statement of the circumstances which caused the extraordinary accident which made it necessary for me to apply for your assistance.


C. I was refused an interview with you and saw one of the Vice Consuls in an upper chamber furnished.


D. He refused to receive my statement.


E. He informed me that my Passport was in order, to my extreme surprise. (I learnt to-day that this emotion was not wholly unjustifiable, the Passport having expired on Dec. 31 of last year.) The explanation given officially of the Consulate General is that the Vice Consul is "very green."


F. The Vice Consul treated me throughout with extreme insolence of tone and manner. Had I been a common tramp, his behaviour would have been, in my opinion, unjustifiably brutal.


G. It is difficult to convey adequately by letter the extreme grossness of his attitude, but I may quote verbatim two extracts from the dialogue.


1. I asked him to telegraph to the solicitors of a person who has temporarily in a fiduciary capacity acquired control of a large sum of money belonging to me. He shouted "How do I know you won't be back here in a fortnight?"


2. I mentioned my doctor (I am a well-known writer on various recondite medical subjects.) He snapped out "How can you have a doctor if you've got no money?"


